. February 11, 2021

The Family Tree: Primer of Genealogy


Who’s who is the most common query when relatives get together. Each and everyone start to identify the connection of every individual in the so-called family circle. A family tree serves as a guide for an individual to distinguish the family connection between persons.

To show the relationship among relatives, there are important factors that should be incorporated in your family tree:

?              Name of the person

?              Date of birth

?              Other pertinent information such as the physical address and employment

You will have to distinguish the relationship through:

  1. Marriage
  2. Extra-marital Unions
  3. Progeniture

If it involves your own family, a family tree is a trouble-free task. However, if it involves identifying your ancestors, you will need to devote some time in order for you to be familiar with your roots.

An understanding of the family structure is needed so that you will properly determine your roots to come up with a well-developed family tree.

It is with a mated pair where a family has begun. However, according to genealogy studies there are two main bases for the emergence of complication in a family structure.

The first main source of complication in the family structure is whenever a man takes more than one spouse. Such identification of family tree may become arduous with this case since there are many lineages to trace.

An extended family is considered as a source of complexity concerning family structure. On a positive note, it is helpful in genealogy. With a close-knit family, you will have higher chances to easily complete a family tree.

Once you have found out what type of family structure you have, then it is time to undertake your task – begin your quest to come up with a well-researched family tree.

Start with the basic. Start with your own family. It is from older family members that you can obtain relevant information about your roots. They can give you a lead on where to move next.

Every encounter with any relatives should be documented.  Journal, tape recorders, cameras or video cams are handy. All relevant information should be entered in your family tree chart or can be filled out in a genealogical form. These days, there is no need for you to sketch your own family tree since there are several family tree charts and forms available in the market.

On your family tree journey, there are a lot of surnames that will come up. With this regard, it is best to choose what surname to find lineage first. By being surname-focused, you are most likely to finish your task faster and easier. After you have exhausted all information with a surname and you think that the lineage is complete, then you can now move on to another surname.

Interviewing family members may sometimes be insufficient. There are other sources which you can track your relatives such as the internet, Family History Center in your locality, documents (which includes birth, marriage and death certificates), and places such as a church, cemetery or even a court house.

Establishing a family tree is an important undertaking for you to be able to know your roots and identify your own identity.




I’m, a writer, podcaster and artist helping people eliminate emotional baggage clutter for better relationships, self-esteem and work. Enjoy my blog, learn from my mistakes and take heed of the pearls of wisdom I've picked up over time! If you want to share your experience or post your article then connect with us.



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