. February 11, 2021
Ending A Relationship Before The New Year
If you are planning on Ending A Relationship before the New Year then you should be prepared for what all that entails. Ending a relationship is not something to be taken lightly, especially around the holidays. If you are planning on ending your relationship then here are some tips to help you do it.
- Make sure you really want to end the relationship. A lot of times people will use the threat of breaking up as a means of attaining something, or even to save the relationship. You need to determine whether you are fully ready to part with your partner, or if you are just trying to save your relationship.
- Plan a way out before even bringing up the subject. It is best to go in prepared so before you even mention a possible break up to your partner or your family, think of how you will go about making your leave,
- Plan it out with a neutral third party that you can trust. Friends and family on both sides will have hidden agendas, intentional or otherwise. Try to seek some neutral advice, like from the internet, on what exactly you should do. Leaving a two month long relationship is much different then leaving a two, or twenty year relationship so you need to plan properly.
- When you have everything planned out and are ready to go forward with Ending A Relationship before the New Year, then it is time to move on. This step is crucial, if you go through with this then that has to be that. You can not waver back and forth, you can not try to remain friends. The best thing you can do, for both yourself and your partner, is to just move on and never look back.
- Cut off all contact with your, now former partner. This will be the make or break period. If you give in to temptation, communicate with them, you may be swayed to return and even if you are not, you are just toying with them. It is best to just ignore any and all contact with them. Obvious exceptions being if there are other things involved such as kids.
- Never talk ill of your ex. You do not want to foster any negative emotions between you and your ex, regardless of how or why the relationship failed. If it was bad, then just do not say anything, if it had it’s good points then mention those. Like the saying goes, if you do not have anything nice to say, do not say anything at all.
- Take time to mourn the loss of your relationship. Even if you were the one who went ahead with Ending A Relationship before the New Year, it can still be painful. You may want to take time to work it out for yourself and allow yourself to come to terms that you have now parted with someone you loved.
- Get back on the horse. Take time to grieve, and then take time to enjoy being single. But eventually you will want to get back out there and try again, very few people want to be alone forever.
I’m, a writer, podcaster and artist helping people eliminate emotional baggage clutter for better relationships, self-esteem and work. Enjoy my blog, learn from my mistakes and take heed of the pearls of wisdom I've picked up over time! If you want to share your experience or post your article then connect with us.
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